Investigations, search for information

The ancient commandment: "Who owns the information - owns the world" - it is relevant today. The private bureau of investifations "FUBI" will collect and analyze for you almost all publicly available and not just information on your topic of interest, person, object, entity. In our work the "First Ukrainian Bureau of Investigations" uses both well-known methods (analysis of media, search the Internet, the testimony of witnesses, lawyers' requests investigative journalism), and professional practices that are in the arsenal of special services and law enforcement agencies.

On request, the -"First Ukrainian Bureau of Investigations" can either just get interested information, or to check on the accuracy of the information voiced by the customer, or to collect and analyze information to interested in, and on this basis to develop a set of recommendations for the customer.

The cost of information and analytical work depends on the completeness of the matters disclosure, their number and complexity of the object.

For example, the average reference price to understand who you are dealing with (whether it's business partner, whether it be a hero-lover or person from dating site) is approximately 500 euro.
